Monday, June 18, 2007

Three Things: Selmer, The Shuffle, and Emily

Sorry....again real life gets in the way.

1) Selmer, TN.

A drag racer doing a burnout on a street...not a race track...lost control of his Pro Mod car and plowed into a crowd killing six people over the weekend.
There is always a point in just about anything that goes wrong where someone should have raised their hand and said "that is a bad idea."

Clearly this was one of those times. Putting a 3,000 horsepower capable of chewing up asphalt was dangerous at the least and, as you can see, deadly at the worst.
The driver did his burnout too far. He was on a public street with no adhesive material, which is put on drag strips to make the tires stick. They may have held that event for years with no problems, but they were lucky.

2) I joined part of the 21st century over the Father's Day weekend. I got an I-Pod Shuffle. Capable of holding 500 songs I'm told. Aerosmith, Springsteen, and a liberal sprinkling of
metal will be on my "shuffle." Not sure what I would do with those I-Pod's that can hold 15,000 songs. Vic Camp and I used to pay $4.99 for Bad Company albums at Funland Records in Decatur. Now 50 bucks will get you 500 songs....and earplugs to I can tune the world out.
Is this a great country or what!

3) Emily got me a tie for Father's Day. She also bought me some cologne. But here is the best part! She got mad when I paid for lunch on Father's Day. The check was supposed to be hers! Maybe that is the sign a kid is growing up! My dad has paid for every restuarant meal we've both attended since 1982.

Promise to be more consistent with posts. Thanks for being patient.


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