Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Wonder What Her Name Was...Midnight In New Orleans

Someone got a terrible phone call on the first day of 2009. They got that call before the sun came up I'm sure.

It might have been from to much New Year's Eve excitement.

It might have been from poor health.

It might have just been God calling one of the flock home.

Reminders of how fragile life can be are often served when least expected.
Many times you get the reminder of how precious life is at a time when you most need to hear and see it.

The face of death is not pretty.

In the middle of fireworks exploding over the French Quarter, in the midst of a great New Orleans party, at a time when partiers soaked in the moment, a life ended.

A night that started with the promise of so much fun, so much fellowship, and all the optimism that the human spirit can bring on New Year's Eve, someone got that awful phone call.

Sitting on the ground a loved one wailed the cry that comes when you ask God to bring a loved one back and he says No.

Reality. You get reality checks when you most need it.

She might have been dead before hitting the ground. Maybe had a fleeting thought of family before dying.

Emergency responders reacted as fast as they could. Thousands walking by, most stopping to see what was going on, didn't make their job easier.

But someone that loved her was there when she died.

There is comfort in knowing she wasn't alone.

Your job may be tough. Your life may be filled with drama. You may have stress that makes you worry about what the
next day will bring. But you are here. You are here to see your family. You can feel their touch. Hear their words.
See their dreams unfold.

The stock market? The woman on the ground didn't care. I don't think she left the world wishing the market hadn't tanked.

But I bet she knows that someone was with her when she left.

Godspeed and help look after the rest of us!

More later.



Carole Foret said...

Aww, how sad and the way you wrote that is really beautiful and such a reminder of living in the present moment. Fully present with one another. That is what I am going to try to do best beginning now in this new year. I want to share long moments...Thank you, Greg for that reminder....

Anonymous said...

Yet another reminder of how short life really is and what is truly important. Thanks for writing something that should touch us all!

Anonymous said...

Sobering thoughts... written in the midst of a town that is arguably one of the biggest parties in our country. Thanks for bringing this woman's death to light and giving the rest of us a reason to reflect on our own lives.