"Greg, do you want to be in the local version of Dancin' With The Stars?
It's called "Stars Dancing For HEALS."
Me? You Kidding Me?
Completely out of my comfort zone. Never danced in my life.
But whatever Tracy Wright wants, I will do. She runs the HEALS Clinic operation.
HEALS is a non-profit that is dedicated to providing health care for students and their siblings at participating schools. It's an extraordinary effort.
If they want me to dance to raise money, where are my shoes?
Basically, you know how this works. You take someone that is "dance-challenged" like me. Take lessons and then you dance in front of a big crowd.
If you watched me on television, you probably know I don't get a nervous very often.
Not a lot makes my pulse race at work. In television news, a calm head pays big dividends as deadlines approach. The closer to the newscast you get, the calmer you stay.
But the thoughts of dancing in front of people just terrified me. Still does.
But with the help of an extraordinarily patient woman, Mendy Langford, I'm going through the lessons to "Dance For HEALS."
More on Mendy soon on my blog. Suffice to say, she has her work cut out for getting me dance-ready.
In fact, take a look at the pictures. Dance instructors are fit, cut, toned, and athletic people. Mendy looks great and is an athlete. But dancing with me, it looks like she is dancing with Shrek.
The way this works, you raise money by having people vote for you with cash.
Here is the link to do just that. Help me raise money for HEALS.
Will keep you posted on who it goes up until showtime on November 18 at Monaco Pictures.
Plenty more on the timing of the lessons, and the instructor unfortunately dancing with me on November 18.
greg, you'll do fantastic!
and you look great, as well. don't be so hard on yourself!
I just voted for you! And I'll tweet for more -- good luck!
Lori Miller
Good luck tonight Greg! You are sure to be the best-looking one out there!
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